Background of AEA

Photo by Carol Porter

Background of AEA


AEA Purpose:

  The Anxiously Engaged Alliance (AEA) empowers couples and families to fulfill the admonition that  "... men should be anxiously engaged in a good cause, and do many things of their own free will, and bring to pass much righteousness; For the power is in them, wherein they are agents unto themselves ..."       

AEA History:


Glenn and Elisabeth Bingham live in St. George, Utah.  In their neighborhood there are over 150 active couples.  Most have excelled in their careers and are now retired.  Most have or want to serve as senior couples.  However, there are a number that because of family responsibilities, health, work requirements or other impediments can't currently serve.  Glenn and Elisabeth were in this situation and yet they wanted to help.  They found it extremely difficult just to launch out and do a service project on their own.  They reasoned that if there was an organized program in place it would be much easier.  When they talked to their friends and found many were interested in the same thing, AEA was born.

This wasn't the first time this had happened to the Binghams. In 1999 they were searching for service opportunities for their teenagers.  When they couldn't find an organization that was oriented for their teens, they organized Humanitarian XP (formerly HEFY) It was started for family and friends, but has grown over twenty-three years. To date, 30,000+ teens have served in more than thirty-five countries around the world.

Glenn and Elisabeth are grateful for the many couples and families that volunteer as Alliance Partners to make AEA possible. They welcome you to join them.