Special Kalinago Territories Project

  Senior couple needed for special service project in the Kalinago Territories of Dominica  



Chief of the Kalinago People with School Contest Winners – Dominica News Online

Why is this urgent?

Recently two leaders of the Kalinago people volunteered to work with AEA.  There is also a pressing need for humanitarian assistance to the Kalinago community in general as described below.

Where is this project?

The English-speaking country of Dominica is an eastern Caribbean island between Guadeloupe and Martinique.  The Kalinago Territories is a designated “homeland’ on the eastern side of the island where about 3,000 of the descendants of the Carib people live.  The Caribs were the indigenous people that greeted Christopher Columbus when he sailed to the new world and now go by their native name, Kalinago.

How would I help?

We will match your experience and previous callings with the many needs of the Kalinago Territories including educational tutoring, agricultural training, teaching skills of working remotely, 12 Step Program, marriage course and self-reliance skills like gardening, personal finance, fitness, and health.


Kalinago Children at Play

Who is organizing this?

The Anxiously Engaged Alliance (AEA) is a non-profit humanitarian service organization that has identified locations around the world where your help will make a remarkable difference and bless the lives of many.   All the logistics are setup so that it will be quick and easy for you to go and enjoy serving.  AEA is directed by the founders of the Humanitarian XP program (formerly HEFY www.humanitarianxp.org ) that has sent over 25,000 Church teens to more than 35 countries around the world.

When and how long would I serve?

For 3-6 months, starting as soon as practical for you. 3-4 couples will be needed this year.

More Information?

Please email or call Bro. Glenn Bingham at gbingham@aea.care or 435-900-1400

One of 365 waterfalls on Dominica

  Click here for more information on Kalinago details including housing and costs